Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The End of Summer.

Last week I went for a hike with my sister, best friend, and psuedo-nephew (he may never want to really claim me when he is old enough to know better). It was the perfect summer day: chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, mini-hike (1.5 miles round trip) to a small cascade at Hanging Rock State Park, legs in the water while we ate our picnic lunch, loads of laughs, tiny baby giggles, ending with my third trip to Mexico that week Mexican for dinner with another one of our friends. It was one of those that had a general idea of where you were going, but no plan or deadlines so that you floated along in complete bliss for a solid 12 hours. It was my first day like this all summer I think (houses are expensive, so a summer job was a must. P.S. I love said summer job and will continue there on most Saturdays).
 (Look how stinkin' cute he is!).

I am excited to go back and have been working on various school related things all summer, but there is that small battle cry in the back of my throat of "Noooo! Please summer; please don't go. I need you a few more weeks. Then I promise I will go back to school completely ready with no regrets." This feeling will start to fade around Friday as I end the second pre-school work day and will be totally gone around 7:52am, August 11th (first day of school).

I can't help but think about all my kiddos and what there summer has been. Granted I have seen many of them lately and love the looks I get when they see me out with a bandanna wrapped around my head and muck boots or waiting tables at the BRR (which happened just yesterday; they were tickled pink when I rang them up and they got to pay me for their lunches). This is something I was afraid of at first because I didn't want to always be Ms. D: Check Elementary Teacher and never be able to assume my original identity of  Mary: Floyd County Native and resident crazy lady who adopts all the cats people don't want (I swear our farm has a blinking, neon light advertising that we are suckers and give good belly rubs). I now realize I can be both!

 (One of said adopted, belly-rub loving cats). 

Anyway, at this moment I am slightly longing for one more week of guilt-free late nights, spontaneous trips to nowhere, random Extension office visits (they are going to learn to kick me out one of these days), naps in the hammock, getting burnt by the pool, and beach hair. I know I can still do these things, but they come with a little twinge that says, "This is not your priority now. There are 37 children depending upon you to open their minds, brighten their days, share their hugs, accept their weirdness, guide their way through new feelings, emotions, and physical changes they don't understand, and affirm that you love them, even when they say they don't like you."

And you know what? That's ok with me. It's part of who I am and what I do as a teacher. I wouldn't change it because inherently, it would change who I am as a person.

Here's to the end of summer and the beginning of a new year filled with excitement, challenges, fun, and learning!

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