Saturday, August 27, 2016

And Away We Go.

What a stellar 6th grade week! We had a completely full week loaded with tons of learning!

This week we continued our geography study by playing Seven Corners Regions. I would call out a state to "travel" to and students would find the corner in the classroom labeled with the correct region. Let me tell you, this is no easy task, but 6th grade is rocking it! We also took some time for individual or partner studying to prepare for our regions quick quiz at the end of the week (they rocked the quiz by the way!). Here are some snapshots of students quizzing each other on the states and regions.

In math we continued our review of fractions and decimals. During our centers choice skills practice time, I went around assessing some math we learned last year with Mrs. Conroy...I know it will come as no surprise how much they remembered! I asked each group how I could change 1/2 to a decimal. Some strategies quickly came back to us! I even gained a great new memory tool to assist...when converting a fraction to decimal your dividend sometimes practices identity theft! Ask your kiddo next week and see what they have to say about this! 

A full week also meant we got to have our regularly schedule Monday Meeting. This week our words of wisdom revolved around making healthy choices and doing the right thing. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "The time is always right to do the right thing." We paired and shared in our meeting a time when we chose to do the right thing and a time when we didn't. We played a quick game of telephone to talk about doing the right thing and more specifically related to gossip and drama. Our phrase that was whispered around the circle was "I like bananas, coconuts, and grapes." By the time it got back to me it had turned into "Banana creme pie and nuts!" This helped us quickly understand how our words can get twisted and rumors can spread, even when we don't mean for it to happen, and how the right thing is to respectfully tell people they shouldn't talk about others and don't get caught up in the rumor mill! 

Other exciting things this week: 
  • Two more students lost teeth!
  • We earned free seat Friday at lunch and got to sit with anyone from either homeroom!
  • Attending the first 8th grade and JV football games to see past students play and cheer (and catching up with parents in the "Check" section!). 

  • Compliments about how respectful 6th grade was traveling down the hallway, being positive role models for our younger students.
  •  A student telling Mrs. Cromer they loved the Monday Message on the announcements about MLK Jr.
  • More students getting their band instruments! Check out the drum skills I got to witness!
  • Someone catching my reference when I said, "Stop. Hammer time."
  • Mrs. Thomas and I getting to sing the PARTY song for a birthday at lunch this week! 
  • Our first PRIDE students being nominated for their outstanding behavior and character. 
Ms. D's Weekend Snapshot: I thought it would help everyone get to know me a little better if I did a weekend snapshot every now and then! This weekend I hammock-camped for a night at Hanging Rock State Park. We made dinner and smores over the fire, hammocked under the stars instead of in a tent, took a quick hike to the Upper Cascades, and swam for a bit! These are some of my most favorite things to do! I also tried a super delicious new food...corn nuggets! It sounds crazy, but they are yummy!