Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Lucky Spoon

This week in history we started a poetry project about the 1920s! Students have to describe the 1920s through a collection of five poems! We also started to take a look at the aftermath of the Roaring 20s...the Great Depression.

In math, we began fraction operations. We threw out all our negative thoughts about fractions and replaced them with a promise from myself, "I will not let you fall." We sought understanding this week instead of answers through multiplication models! Boy did we rock them (most of us picked it up on day ONE!).

Other exciting things this week: 

  • SCA fun!

  • Positive office referrals! 
  • More lost teeth (at least 4)!
  • Snazzy new haircuts!
  • Sunshine and outside SAC!
Harry Potter Pusheen!
Sweet Valentine treats!

The lucky spoon was spotted and available at lunch!
Check vs. Check basketball!

Ms. D's weekend snapshot: 
Sunshine and chaco weather in February!

Meet Phil. Phil decided he wanted to make the journey from the Wills Ridge dumpsters to a new home on the farm. Phil is blind in his left eye and partially in his right. Phil has a cauliflower ear. Phil has a cold and is taking medicine. Phil loves to be rubbed and purrs like crazy. Phil is named after Philocetes from Hercules the Disney movie. Phil likes his new farm life and friends. 

Back deck paper grading. 

Cute decorations at a sweet friend's baby shower. 

Warm weather that brings on lots of eggs!

2.5 mile hikes with your best friends, psuedo-nephew, and Danes. 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Roaring 20s

This week in history we focused on what made the 1920s roaring! We experienced many of the new arts and culture changes first hand and did some sensory work to go with it!

We also took our new vocab and wrote mini stories to use the words in different ways (these pictures won't turn again!). 

Math was all about measures of center! We did a ton of practice, including reading an article about basketball players and how mean, median, and mode helps them up their game! 

Other great things this week: 
  • A boatload of talent at the PTO Talent Showcase! 
  • One of our own representing at the showcase! 
  • Hugs, hugs, and more hugs!
  • Excited students getting 11/11 on this week's math quiz! 
  • Mrs. Thomas and her hula hoop skills!

Ms. D's weekend snapshot:

I worked a wedding this weekend, caught up on Netflix, and cleaned house! :) 

Monday, February 6, 2017

Projects You DON'T Want to Miss!

This week we took a look at some inventions that made life better for Americans like the car, phone, washing machine, and many more! If students didn't think I was crazy before last Thursday, they definitely do now! We did a factory simulation where I was the Boss and students were workers in my paper doll factory. I put on my "scary" face and voice and act the part of a terrible boss on an assembly line. I yelled. I fussed. I wanted perfection. I took the electricity. I fired people. I didn't back down. I was actually told to never do that again and how intimidating I was (this girl???). Long story short, we had a fun time and really looked at the pros and cons of the assembly line based on our own experiences from our simulation.

Coordinate plane projects were due this week and they are AMAZING! Check these out! I can't get them to turn!

Other great things this week: 

  • One of our 6th graders is moving on to compete in the county wide spelling bee! 
  • Understanding and loving students who were the best when I was sick this week.
  • Basketball games! 
Ms. D's Weekend Snapshot:
  • As a non-Patriot fan, I have to hand it Belichick and Brady. History making game. 

THAT FACE! Hung out with this cutie of a psuedo-nephew.